Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to get a lot more from your portable mobile charger

Again, I'm writing about portable chargers for handphones... Having a phone that uses up its internal battery fast is such an inspiration for finding new methods or products that help extend the life of its internal battery.

So far, I've always been plugging in my iphone into my portable charger only when the phone is about to be dead. That is probably how everyone uses their portable charger, no doubt. But the problem is, using a battery to charge another battery is just a waste of energy because of all the loses involved. Try touching your phone when its charging. It gets warm, doesn't it? This heat produced is due to all the inefficiencies in the circuits.

So, to get the most out of your portable charger, stop it from charging the phone battery if possible - make your phone run directly from the portable charger. If its not possible, especially when you use an iphone, there is a solution. However, this method needs planning and foresight. Instead of plugging in your portable charger when your phone is almost dead, plug it in when your phone has 100% charge. This way, the phone will not use the energy from the portable charger to charge the internal battery, but will simply run the phone off the portable charger.

I tried this and got bored since my portable charger didn't cut off after a long while of watching youtube videos, surfing 9gag and chatting. The only drawback was that it was awkward operating my phone with the portable charger stuck to it. This will work best if your portable charger is designed as a protective case. Something like this.


Anonymous said...

This is an intresting blog that you have posted, you shares a lot of things about External Mobile Charger , Wireless Mobile Charger and Portable Mobile Charger. Which are very informative for us.


ebui said...

These days, mobile phone users surfing the Internet has become a child's game. However, the battery is charging or top phone manufacturers, like life, has become a burning issue. It is a common scenario that would send an important email, but your phone is dead