Thursday, March 12, 2015

Pressurized kerosene lanterns in Singapore!

Its been a while since my last post. I had been very busy with work and very lazy to pen down anything. Basically, my life revolved around my work for the past few months. Finally, I have some time for a breather and talk about my latest obsession.

It is not a new obsession, just one that got rekindled after seeing a guy selling roasted chestnut running a pressurized kerosene lantern on his side-cart motorcycle. It was pretty bright and produced a comfortable yellow glow. I thought it was interesting and wanted to purchase one for myself to try it out.

The problem began there. It was so difficult to find a dealer for such things because it just isn't relevant in Singapore. The entire island is connected to an extremely stable electricity and water grid, there is little need for off-grid/emergency equipment such as a kerosene lamp. As such, lantern mantles are not cheap and kerosene is on sale for a whopping $3.40 per 500ml.

I searched high and low and realised that an old company in Singapore actually makes kerosene lamps and export it overseas! They are a brand named "Butterfly" from

You can watch some videos about these lanterns made by people from as far away as the USA.

So I wrote an email to the company and asked if I could buy one and they said yes! But only for local customers as they typically deal with wholesale and container loads.

The only problem remaining was that I had to take leave from my work to purchase one of these beauties from their company. Oh well, I guess good things have to be planned for.